Wednesday, December 24, 2008

今天的A行動Today's "A" Action

"A" means Apostolic Mission...是"愛人靈魂的使命"

清晨主溫柔地提醒... This morning the Lord gently said,

跟未信主朋友的互動為何常會延遲呢 ?
Why often delay your "A"? Because...
they(non-believers) often are not your priority...
that's why "A" is oftened delayed because of other Xns' activities...

主啊! 幫助我調整我心中的priority...
"我另外有羊, 不是這圈裡的; 我 必須 領他們來..."
Lord! Help me to adjust my priority in my heart, because You say...
"I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen.
I must bring them also...."

Yes... Lord! 今天, 就是今天....不是明天... today...not tomorrow...
今天早日打完球, 我要送CD給小陳...
This morning after tennis, send a CD to...
今天傍晚, 我要call Steve, 問他有沒有回家過聖誕...
this evening before dinner, call Steve....
send Lau Dai a Xmas dinner...

主啊! 幫助我學習"今天"的功課... Lord, help me to learn "Today"...
DNA 夥伴們, 請 Hold me Accountable for this.... my DNA friends...
明天...或今晚遇到我的時候, 問問我有沒有完成這"具體行動"
Please ask me when you see me, have I accomplished Todays' A?

Thank you ... God bless... and Merry Christmas...

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