Friday, January 30, 2009

神知道你在那裡God Knows Where You Are

1. 24小時禱告...要尋找48位以上代禱者...
2.不要獻凡火(利十)...不要自己獻祭...而是要等神的火燒下來... 神先啟動了...我們才能動....
3. 想到神已經在一些人身上啟動了24小時禱告的負擔...主啊 !何時我們要開始呢?
Early in the morning... still half sleep...
I thought about 2 things
1. 24 hours prayer center... seek 48 and up intercessors...
2. Do not take "our own censers... put fire..."(Lev.10:1)
I need to wait for God's fire, not my own fire....
3.But God has been firing some peoples in church...
Oh Lord! when should we start?

好像Google Earth 之圖...
Suddenly I saw a piture in my dream..
Some houses and streets...
(Just like Google Earth)
one arrow point from the sky...
I saw the arrow point at one house...
It's my house...clearly...
Then God said...

"孩子, 我知道你在那裡!"
"My Child, I know exactly where you are"

一齊禱告! 然後...一家一家...
I felt peace flowing out from within
I felt that God wants to start from this house...
Pray together... then ... one by one...

主啊 ! 是的, 祢知道...祢也揀選...呼召!
我在這裡...祢知道 !
Oh Lord.... Yes... You know me...
You have chosen and called....
I am here... You know exactly where I am...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, bless are those who wait upon the Lord and follow His instructions.