Tuesday, December 23, 2008

分享你的享受share what you enjoy

2008 是好"享受"的一年, I really enjoy my 2008
大部份的時間 Most of time ..just like
就如一對熱戀中的青年所說, someone in love once said,
到那裡都想笑 ! Just can't stop smiling...

今晨主的靈感動我說... This morning I felt the Spirit saying,
享受我的愛, 分享我的愛.. Enjoy my love, and share my love
享受我所給的人生, Enjoy the life that I give to you
分享你的人生..... then share your life...

想起平時接觸的未信朋友, Thinking of some non-believer friends,
為他們禱告... 是的,主 ! Praying for them... Yes, my Lord,
今天, 這個禮拜...聖誕...新年...Today..This week...Christmas...
我會去送點禮物...一個電話... New Year.... I will go...
一籃水果...一個CD... a phone call... a fruit basket... a music CD...
我會去分享你的愛...今天 I will share your love... Today!

1 comment:

Jason Lou said...

I cannot vote in the right side...
I would say 2008 is a year of thanksgiving.. not in money but in spirit and a year of love..
God bless.