Thursday, February 19, 2009

Home, Sweet Home回家真好

出外服事十天, 昨晚平安回到家...真好 !
作完主的工...真好 !
(歇了工, 有進入神安息的感覺!)
Home! Sweet Home!
Coming back from 10 days trip to London,
feeling "mission accomplished"...
feeling "entering into God's rest"
Of course, hugging kids... my own bed...
Soooooo..... Gooooooooood!

"好"在那裡? 主提醒三點...
Looking back to this trip, I asked the Lord,
what's good about it.....
God reminded me 3 things.....

1. 你看, 許多學生在恩典中得"釋放自由"...
(學生大都是保守背景, 常被宗教律法壓抑!)
主說, "你那裡都要傳[恩典]的福音!"
Look... many students were set free...
(Most students come from conservative background...
very oppressed by "law" of the church...) 
and God said,
"Wherever you go... preach "Good News"!

2. 要鼓勵妻子們多多與先生同行 !
搭地鐵去上課, 走在倫敦街上...
師母會自動牽著我的手...那感覺真好 !
各走各的路, 牽手機會不多!)
Need to encourage "couple ministry"...
While taking subway,
walking on the street of London...
Rachel hold my hand "naturally"...
It feels really Good! (in US, we...
drive our own cars, walk our own way
... less opportunity to hold hands"

3. 與一宣教士夫婦一起生活一週,
Wow...另人佩服 ! )
Living with a missionary couple for 1 week,
seeing their simple lifestyle,I feel ...
How luxery is our lives in US...
(They took trash from office back to home....
in order to save money!)

是的 ! 回家真好 !
有說不盡的感恩 !
Yes... Sweet Home...
Warm hugs... warm bed...and
Feeling "fulfilling" in doing God's will...
Learning in serving...
Giving thanks and praise
from our heart to our God!

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