Wednesday, January 7, 2009

換跑道3 Change Lane 3

這幾天, 主不斷啟示我"換跑道"的原則
1. 方向對了...但換跑道的目的為要加速前進!
2. 要左顧右看..在"安全"的情況中換跑道
3. 要在對的"時機"加油前進...
4. 要有人跟進...不是獨自一人蛇行前進...
5. 總之, 要行在聖靈中...就能靈巧像蛇...
加速前進 !

God continues to show me
how to "change lane"
1. Your direction is right, now... accelerate!
2. Look around, be safe while changing.
3. Look for "right timing"
4. Take many with you, not moving alone.
5. In general, Keep step with the Spirit, then we will be moving freely and accelerate to reach the goal.

主啊 ! 我的燈需要加油! 祢的油!
Lord, I need fire.... your fire...

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